Motherhood is truly a remarkable gift, and one that changes life for the better. It is also what I would call the ultimate surrender.
Now, if you are a type-A perfectionist like myself, you love to be in control. I love to make lists, cross things off those lists, and preferably on sticky notes so I can physically check things off and throw them away when they are complete. I hate seeing unread emails in my inbox. They have to be answered in full so I can then delete them or file them in a folder for future reference. I like my laundry baskets empty, folded clothes in drawers, dishes done, bathrooms clean, and floors vacuumed. If I can sit on the couch at the end of the night and relax, it's because my "to-do" list for the day has been completed....
This was pre-children...because my ultimate surrender has been learning that putting my kiddos first means that not everything on that list will get done. Nap time will not always be two hours long and the chances of both of them sleeping at the same time is rare. Even then, it is okay to use nap time for myself and not run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to be super mom. Failing to meet the expectation of a perfectly clean house, new meal on the table every night, and intentionally entertained children all day is only failing to meet an unrealistic expectation that I have set for myself.
This blog is called "striving in motherhood" because I am not perfect and continue to strive to accept this surrender of control. Ultimately that is what I have found it comes down to-a loss of a sense of control over the little things. There are many days I find myself frustrated and wanting to accomplish tasks rather than be present to my husband or sit and play on the floor for thirty minutes with my son over washing dishes. It is when I make a conscious decision to be present that I am reminded of the value in that time. Thirty minutes chasing my son around the kitchen or indulging his desire to be tickled every time he lays on the floor and exclaims "Oh no!" is thirty minutes of intentional time that says "I love you". It is thirty minutes void of tantrums or frustration and thirty minutes of giggles, laughter, and joy.
Giggles, laughter, and there's something I don't put on my list every day...but wouldn't those be better goals to strive for?
Things still need to get done, and they do. Just not all in one day and at the expense of appreciating the precious time I have with my family. Like all things, there needs to be a balance. This is something I am focusing on more and more as I prepare to return to work. Work will require even more balance and less time in the week.
So here's to countless years ahead of living in the present, enjoying the little moments, and learning to surrender control.
Journey with me, pray with me, and feel free to comment.
@nfpteaching #strivinginmotherhood