Only 45 minutes until the sun sets. My son had just woken up from his nap and my daughter would need to breastfeed again in 30-60 minutes. I had put off my walk so we could visit grandparents that morning and was desperate for some exercise. Not to mention I really needed a pair of heels for a black tie event the next day and my plan was to walk to DSW to complete this errand by way of a four mile walk. It was the perfect plan!
I nestled Claire in my front wrap and loaded Hudson in the stroller with an abundance of backup snacks and a cozy blanket. We were off. I made it in to DSW and down the first aisle when Claire woke up in a rage, her shrill hunger cry piercing the quiet of the store. Naturally, Hudson took this opportunity to try and climb out of the stroller and began crying out for snacks. I handed him some peanut butter puffs and then quickly donned my nursing cover so I could help Claire latch to feed. Her cries were replaced with a ferocious gulping noise. I tucked her bottom and legs back in my wrap to help support her while she fed. The stroller needed to move to keep Hudson happy so I began to cruise around the store looking for size 11 heels. I was losing my daylight so there o time to sit and feed...
So yes, picture this: me walking around DSW, nursing cover over one shoulder, one arm bracing and supporting my nursing baby, the other arm pushing my toddler in the stroller and intermittently stopping to pull out a box of heels and try them on. It was quite comical. I received a lot of looks but no one said a thing.
My husband called on his way home from work and offered to pick us up. I had been far too optimistic about the daylight situation and it was now dark and I was wearing black...a very safe way to walk around in rush hour and hope cars could see and yield to me and my two small children. It was also getting cold. He picked up Hudson and I detoured to Trader Joe’s, still determined to walk home. I loaded my stroller (now Hudsonless) with groceries. This was highly amusing to the cashier as it indeed looked like I buried my child with groceries. I too surrendered and asked for a ride after realizing the temperature had dropped and I found myself on the unplowed side of the sidewalk trying to push a stroller full of groceries through icy snow.
What a day! This happy, healthy active mommy has some work to do when it comes to moderation and relaxation. I’m working on taking care of myself as well as my kiddos. Again, I am striving. Each day is a new adventure and I strive for a balance. Now that my sleep hours at night have lengthened and I am working out
again I feel energized and like a new person. My adrenaline got the best
of me this day. I think next time
I’ll pick a workout video instead of racing the sun...
Journey with me, pray with me, and feel free to comment.
@nfpteaching #strivinginmotherhood
Journey with me, pray with me, and feel free to comment.
@nfpteaching #strivinginmotherhood
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