Monday, February 10, 2020

The Time of My Life

Colorado to Maryland, Maryland to Georgia, Georgia to Colorado. As I sit here on the plane en route to my brother’s wedding I have an overwhelming sense of peace and joy. I am listening to my husband talk my son through the process of takeoff as he waves and exclaims, “Hi man!” to the worker directing plane traffic, and “Bye airplane!” as we pull out on the runway. I am constantly in awe of this man I married and so grateful for his constant love and enthusiasm with our kiddos. 

This is an incredible time in life. It is hard and challenging and utterly exhausting most days, but it is beautiful, joy filled, and packed full of love and wonder.  Everything with a toddler is an adventure, and I set my mind to that when this trip began. Vacation implies relaxation, which is an unrealistic expectation with two under two. “Family adventure” has a much better ring to it, carrying the anticipation of fun and laughter with no expectation of alone time or sleep-just precious, priceless quality time and memories. 

We are halfway through our trip at this point and I am simply filled with joy. No we haven’t slept great and I have lots of caffeine on board, but we continue to laugh, Hudson continues to be in awe of every new place we go, and we are enjoying precious time as a family. I am going to soak-in and revel in every moment because one day vacations will be easy and relaxing again, and I know then I’ll be reminiscing of the days where they loved snuggles and kisses and couldn’t wait to ride an airplane. 

This is a glorious stage. I’m having the time of my life because this time is unlike any other and I don’t want to let it slip away. 

Can you relate? 

Journey with me, pray with me, and feel free to comment!


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