Christmas time is here! I woke up the day after Thanksgiving with the ambitious intention to take down the fall decorations and fill the house with Christmas spirit (Yes, I am one of those people who will not break out the Christmas lights until the day after Thanksgiving). My husband was diligently working to put new shelving in the garage and I was awaiting nap time so I could accomplish my mission during my toddler’s 1-2 hour nap...which of course never happened. He chose to not nap and during his hour of taking to himself my sweet baby girl wanted to cluster needless to say I got a few boxes of decorations out of the basement and that was it.
Hudson (my 18 month old) was taking great pleasure in unpacking all my boxes and playing with new found treasures. He was also looking for attention every time I picked up his sister or attempted to continue decorating. I had to take a step back and accept the fact that my agenda was not going to happen, and that was okay. I turned on my Amy Grant Christmas Pandora station and began to dance around the kitchen.
Now mind you, I am no dancer. I have rhythm and can sing, but my parents tell me they never laughed as hard as they did watching me as a child attempting to be a ballerina.
But my kiddos don’t know that!
So I stopped trying to hang the garland one handed and began to channel my inner ballerina as I danced around the kitchen, enjoying the seasonal sounds. Hudson thought this was hilarious and began to mimic my actions and spin circles with me, laughing and falling down as he spun. I set my baby down and picked him up and we began to dance.
"It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."
He giggled as we spun and dipped, and then nodded his head as to say “Again mom, again!”
We laughed and my husband joined in as he came in the door. The Christmas joy I had wanted to inspire through decorating was far more tangible in this moment. We then sat on the floor and played with the ornaments. Instead of putting the box out of his reach, we went through them one by one, Hudson admiring them and expressing "oohs and ahhs". He adorned himself with the strings of beads and giggled with delight at the napkin ring holders he pulled out of the storage bin.
I sat back and smiled. The music and decorations fill me with excitement and memories of Christmas, but it is the joy these things represent that should be predominantly displayed in our home and by my family. In this precious family time my son's pure joy reminded me of the reason for the season.
Can you relate?
Journey with me, pray with me, and feel free to comment.
@nfpteaching #strivinginmotherhood